(in order to be rich, famous, and funny)
Saturday December 9th, 2023
8:30am-10:00 am PST
The best comedies make us laugh, make us cry, and make us feel.
Learn the comedy essentials to enhance your storytelling, writing, or when giving speeches.
Here’s what you can expect from our playful, mind-expanding online courses:

Tap into your unique storytelling voice through practical exercises to generate compelling stories.

Explore the essential elements that make stories unforgettable.

Say goodbye to self-doubt and procrastination.

Connect with fellow baby boomers who share your passion for telling meaningful stories.

Learn how to pass on the wisdom of your family’s unique stories.

Tom Schlesinger
I’m Tom Schlesinger, and I am a story architect. I help create the blueprint for stories that entertain and have a social impact. I have guided over ten thousand students to be excellent storytellers, including those who have won Academy Awards and have films that premiered at Sundance and sold to HBO.